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05 Mar 2025

Wazen Oil Services Leverages Foreign Technology to Enhance Libyan Services

Wazen Oil Services Leverages Foreign Technology to Enhance Libyan Services

Libyan service provider Wazen Oil Services is leveraging foreign technology and expertise to decarbonize the country’s oil and gas sector. By focusing on knowledge transfer and capacity building, the company aims to reduce emissions while advancing operational efficiency.

During an interview with Energy Capital & Power at the Libya Energy & Economic Summit (LEES) 2025, Ibraheim Mejerissi, Managing Director of Wazen Oil Services, shared insight into how this strategy will help position the country as a low-carbon oil and gas producer.

“From a service company perspective, the introduction of advanced technologies is essential for reducing the carbon footprint. Our execution is two-fold: we are actively working towards improving our environment footprint through certifications and seeking new technology. As local service companies, it is our duty to assess what technologies are out there and implement them [in-country]. This will enhance Libya’s position as a carbon-friendly oil producer,” he said.

Through the company’s partnerships, Mejerissi explained that “we provide the latest technologies for the sector. With that, we also have the opportunity for knowledge transfer and capacity building, which has been one of our focused over the last few years. This is also the focus on industry leaders, to up-skill and promote local content.”

In recent years, major oil operators have resumed exploration and production in Libya. The country is also preparing to launch its 2025 international bid round – the first in 17 years. This increase in exploration is expected to generate a rise in demand for oilfield services.

According to Mejerissi, “Over the past four to five years, we have seen a drastic move forward in terms of foreign investment. The reason being, the conditions that Libya has to offer. We can see, whether its infrastructure development or the restructuring of the oil sector, there has been a positive drive forward.”

Through summits such as LEES, Mejerissi believes that Libya’s oil and gas stakeholders can come together under one roof to discuss the opportunities and challenges faced across the industry. He said: “This summit is essential because it provides the platform that we need to introduce dialogue between private and public sectors. Although it’s an economic summit - and people are here to explore commercial opportunities - it ultimately brings together public bodies, such as the National Oil Corporation and Ministry, international energy companies and private sector companies into the same room.”

Watch the full interview below: 

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